The 5 Minutes Principle To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

Zaid Omar, CPT, PN1
8 min readSep 24, 2021


Do a very small action today that moves you towards your weight loss or any fitness goals.

Do we have to wait for the 31st of December to follow up on our To-Do List, which has probably been discolored by moist and lizard droppings?

Well, no.

In fact, all of us have goals to accomplish on a monthly and even daily basis. And, we create these goals in our minds without realizing them.

For example, we will always make two common goals early in the morning: to look presentable and not smell like a bag of dead rats before going to work.

To achieve these two goals, we have to wash up, brush our teeth, and wear nice clothes in the order of personal choice, of course. Well, I won’t judge when someone does all at once.

Like, taking a poo while bathing and brushing their teeth at the same time. Don’t ask me how I know.

We keep on doing them every day to the point that it has become an integral part of our lives, and unknowingly, they have become “A Crucial Habit” or something that we will never give up on as our well-being and comfort depends on it.

Imagine if the same thing were to happen for our bigger goals in life?

Like for weight loss or business plans?

I feel that if that were the case, then losing weight and starting a successful business would be easier that way, right?

But, how do we do that? According to some science and real-life data, all it takes is to start with just 5 minutes each day.

The 5 Minutes Principle To Achieve Any Goals

A few years ago, I ever did weight loss and body transformation coaching to help clients lose weight and build muscles.

And, one of the concepts that I was taught as a fitness and nutrition coach was to instill the habit of doing tasks that will help my clients get closer to their goals, even if it is just for 5 minutes.

If we can master this principle of putting aside just 5 minutes a day to start doing one simple task, then we have already overcome the first hurdle, which is to “Make time and to take action.”

My business and fitness coaches always emphasized that no matter how good your strategies and plans may be, it is useless if you can’t execute them consistently.

When YOU make time, YOU are declaring to YOURSELF that your goals matter to YOU. You are building a set of new values and priorities, and that is how your life will change for the better.

Taking Action Creates Momentum

​Have you ever cycled on an old bicycle before? You know, that 10-year-old two-wheeled piece of metal with peeled-off stickers, rusty handlebars and brakes, and punctured tires?

It’s not easy to get it moving, right?

You have to kick the pedals down hard before finally getting the momentum to balance the bicycle.

The same thing happens when we are starting on a new goal.

The steps we have to do are laborious to begin with, but they will seem manageable once we get the ball rolling.

At first, you may be reluctant to start exercising for 30 mins. But, trust me, just change into your workout attire. By then, you will get into the mood to exercise.

There were many times when I really didn’t feel like exercising at home or going to the gym, but I just ignored that feeling. I forced myself to change into my workout clothes and drag my feet to the gym.

It may not be the best workout session, but it keeps me going.

Most importantly, it feels good knowing that you’re consistent and disciplined.

When Things Get Hard, Follow The 80/20 Rule

​Then comes the next challenge. You may feel like 1 hour of exercising is too long because you have things to do later, or you find it hard to breathe because of poor stamina.

So, what you can do is reduce your intensity and duration. Maybe just do a 20–30 minutes exercise and don’t work out too hard.

You know what? At least you just went from a potato couch to someone who just started exercising. The most important thing here is that you must enjoy the exercise that you are doing.

The best is to follow the 80/20 rule. Do something fun and easy that keeps you moving 80% of the time, and plan 1 or 2 days for more challenging sports or exercise activities.

On most days, I will just focus on doing weighted exercises that I am comfortable. Then, I will choose one session where I will either do more sets of the same exercise or increase the weights.

It sucks, I tell you. On these rare days, I will feel like my bones might snap at any moment. My whole body will start trembling as I try to balance myself.

Sometimes, it feels like somebody is pouring boiling water over my muscles as I push the weights over my body, my lungs would feel like someone is pressing hard against it, and it gets tough to breathe properly.

But that is the phase when you know you will get stronger as your body adapts to the physical stress.

Although, please remember that you are not Christiano Ronaldo nor someone in a strictly controlled environment groomed to be the next Olympic participant.

Please don’t overwork yourself just because you are desperate to see abs in 1 month. Just tape an egg tray over your tummy. It’ll look the same. And, you won’t injure yourself while doing it either.

Still, It Depends On You To Make It Work

​It sounds super easy, right? Cause all it takes is just 5 minutes?

BUT, even so, some of my clients were very reluctant to follow my advice.

They would rather wait for the best time to train or to start eating healthy.

And, as I expected, the best time to never came. They eventually gave up the coaching program and continued with their usual hectic and unhealthy lifestyle.

I don’t blame them as not everyone will have their priority set to focus on their health and fitness. Most of the time, family and career will always come in the way.

You and I know that waiting for the best time to start working out or eating healthy is like waiting for Gahmen to release our CPF early, but let’s not go there.

​Impossible Without Support

​We won’t make time for the things we don’t value, including our health and fitness goals.

You have to decide with all your heart that your health and fitness goal is important, and you will only prove that to YOURSELF once you start making time for it.

You have to start asking or negotiating with people you live with and work with to make it work.

No man is an island. No one lives alone. We all need support to make things happen.

Your loved ones will need your attention and will distract you in many ways possible. You have to tell them that you need time to do certain important tasks to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Whether it’s getting help with house chores, taking care of the kids, saying no to someone’s request, or asking your family member for some quiet time, you have to learn how to negotiate and ask for help.

If you don’t, then you’re not proving to yourself that your health and fitness goals matter at all.

It is as if you are telling yourself and everyone else that it is okay for you not to lose weight and be healthier and that you are willing to risk putting your health on the line, then to work on improving it.

Sure, people will make fun and be sarcastic. Who doesn’t? When I started going to the gym, everyone jeered at me, saying it was probably a “Short term” thing.

But, I have never stopped going to the gym since 10 years ago.

Let’s Be Realistic Here

​Maybe you have tried all of the suggestions above. But, it is still impossible to make time.

Your family member is bedridden, and you have to be there for them 24/7. Your kids are always stuck on your lap, you have to cook, do overtime, do the laundry, and the list goes on.

When it comes to the worst-case scenario, I believe that the bare minimum you can do is eat healthier in smaller portions, focus on walking and doing house chores, and do your best to manage your stress and sleep.

Some people give up trying once they feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges.

I feel that we all have the capability to do the bare minimum and not follow our urges to devour delicious food and lead unhealthy lifestyles just because there seemed to be no hope to do so.

At the end of the day, it still depends on what we value the most and how positive we think about ourselves.

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Zaid Omar, CPT, PN1

Certified Personal Trainer (NCSF) | Nutrition Coach (PN1) | I write about fitness, nutrition, mental wellbeing here and at